Some measures can be taken to ensure that the disorder they create is more proportional to their size, however. Consider these tips when you decide to get a pet bird, and you will be sure to spend more of your time enjoying their company and less of it cleaning up after them.
1. Choosing a cage
When shopping for a birdcage, it is important to keep the size and material in mind. It is advisable to buy a cage as big as you can afford, because it will be easiest to clean effectively and your bird will be happiest. Special metal cages that are designed specifically with their cleaning in mind are available, as it will be necessary to clean and disinfect the cage completely periodically. A removable tray in the bottom of the cage is essential for the more regular cleanings. Buying a cage that is excessively fancy or decorative will just present a problem when it is time to clean, and will end up causing more of a headache than anything.
2. Food bowls
Many of the same rules of the cage apply to the food bowls. Try to find bowls that are easily cleaned and disinfected, as well as able to attach to the bars of the cage. Attachable bowls will help them stay upright and prevent unnecessary spilling of the food and water. If your bird eats seeds, an attached bowl near his favorite perch will also help keep his droppings and seed shells inside the cage. These food and water bowls need to be cleaned and replenished every day.
3. Purchase a cage skirt
A cage skirt is a great way to keep the table your bird’s cage rests on clean. It is a piece of fabric, typically fitted with elastic or Velcro, that fits around the cage’s bottom and catches messes that escape the cage. The cage skirt will dramatically limit the spread of your bird’s designated area.
4. Use a handheld vacuum
A small, portable vacuum will be your best friend, next to your pet bird. Its smaller, portable size is great for use on tables covered with seed hulls and dust from your bird’s near constant consumption. They can also remove dust, dander and fluff that escape the cage, an important feature for those of us allergic to feathers. Few things remove allergens as effectively as a strong vacuum.
Having a pet bird around can be a great way to brighten up your home and life, as long as you can keep the mess under control. Care for your bird carefully and with attention to detail, and the experience should be nothing but rewarding.